While we regretfully have to say farewell to Neil Lemmey as he passes on the Tournament Director hat to Aaron Court, we are all excited to see the Berri Open continue its perch as the best tournament in Australia.
You don’t have a tournament get this sort of recognition without hard work, but most importantly, without the support of the players. While well over 100 entrants were unable to attend this year due to travel restrictions – 2021 saw well over 200 entries. A massive turn out of players given the situation.
A big thank you to Jeremy Sweet and his team for his efforts in assisting with refunds and roll-overs. No doubt these restrictions have played a massive part in affecting the Berri Hotel on what would no doubt be one of their most lucrative weekends.
I think it goes without saying that we are all looking forward to some normality very soon and that when July rolls around next year, we have all 8 State and Territory borders open and we fill out all the hosting venues on Saturday.
Aaron and the team trust you are all staying safe and we can’t wait to see you next year!